Welcome to Region 9

May 28, 2012
Welcome to the Region 9 page. The racing season is in full swing 3 rounds of the SWCS are in the books and the racing has been fantastic. With 3 more rounds to go, the fight for the cup is up for grabs. Please visit for standings and upcoming race dates. The ROAR Region 9 onroad championship will be held this year at Gulf Coast Raceway on Sep. 29th and Sep. 30th. We are still working on a date for the Region 9 Off road race. Location and dates to follow. Upcoming races include: The 35th annual Texas Biggie May25, 26, and 27th. This race is held @ RCRCNT in Rendon tx. If anyone has questions or comments please feel free to contact me via the Region9 director link. Thank you Nick Lefebvre

ROAR Events

National Race Results