ROAR Announcements 2006 Archive

January 1, 2006
12/20/06 New Region 4 Director Appointed Aaron Melton has been named ROAR Region 4 Director. Also known as 'Tater' in the racing community, Aaron is chiefly recognizable in the off-road sector. He has expressed a genuine desire to do the job and will probably request an on-road assistant to aid in covering the large racing area which is Region 4. Thanks for stepping up, 'Tater!' 12/19/06 Region 1 Director Change Jim La Stella has been appointed to replace Chris Raffaelli as Region 1 Director. Chris has recently informed ROAR that he would be unable to complete his two year term. He has been ably serving as Region 1 Director for the last few years and will certainly make the transition to Jim as easy as possible for the region. Jim La Stella has previously expressed a strong willingness to participate in ROAR and brings a much-appreciated enthusiasm to the position. Effective immediately, all level 2 &3 sanctioning information should be coordinated through Jim. Jim's email is and telephone is 631-807-6754. ROAR appreciates all of its volunteers especially volunteers that make a difference in this organization. Thanks to all! 12/15/06 2007 Rulebook Completed The 2007 rulebook is now available in downloadable .pdf format from the website. Printed rulebooks will also be available around the first part of January complete with a fresh new cover. Among the welcomed changes are the updated vehicle diagrams supplied by John Kelishes at ProLine, a long-standing ROAR affiliate. These really look sharp. Thanks John and ProLine! Also thanks go to EFRA for supplying the great looking dimensioning diagrams which are now being used worldwide on electric touring cars. Thanks to all who helped get the 2007 rules finalized! In order to aid members in reviewing the rulebook here are the changed rule numbers broken down by interests. Affecting electric and fuel membership: 1.1.11,, 3.1.4, 5.6.2, 5.6.3, 5.7.9,,, 5.14.14,, & Affecting electric members only: 5.6.4, 5.7.4, 5.7.5, 8.3.1, 8.3.6,, 8.6.9, 8.6.12, 8.6.17,,,,, Affecting fuel members only: 2.2.2, 3.1.8, 5.1.4,, 5.9.1,,,, 12/10/06 Recommended Weight Guidelines ROAR is providing the following guidelines for clubs and tracks that wish to entertain four and five cell provisional racing in their respective programs or series. In all cases dummy cells should be discouraged to prevent 'accidental usage.' *For Electric Touring: 5 cells- 1343g foam tires, 1450g rubber tires; 4 cells- 1268g foam, 1375g rubber. *For Electric Off road: 5 cells- 1424g-2WD, 1538g-4WD; 4 cells- 1349g-2WD, 1463-4WD. 12/08/06 Region 4 Director ROAR is greatly disappointed to announce that Gene Hickerson, the newly elected director for Region 4, has informed us that he will be unable to fulfill his official duties due to personal reasons. Making this known now rather than after officially taking office January 1 will certainly provide more time in selecting a new director and this consideration is much appreciated. Those interested in carrying out the duties of Regional Director should email Chuck Moon at A new appointment will be made as soon as possible. 12/04/06 Pre Worlds Dates Finalized The dates have been set for the 2007 IFMAR Pre-Worlds for 1/8 Buggies. The FarmII will host this significant event October 17-21, 2007. Additional details will be posted on the host's website. All ROAR off road racers should take advantage of this opportunity to get home track knowledge in preparation for ROAR's defense of the World Championship title currently held by Mark Pavidis. Make your plans now! 11/30/06 How Many Cells? There has been recent movement in parts of the R/C world to reduce the number of cells in electric racing in all classes. A change such as this is an extremely important one and cannot be taken lightly. At this time ROAR has determined that there is not enough information to make an informed decision as to the best direction to take in 2007. Regarding the number of cells in all classes there will be no change to the existing rules. ROAR will monitor the international developments of four and five cell racing and after careful evaluation, make its determination for the 2008 rules when appropriate. 11/20/06 New Track Director Named Chuck Moon has been appointed to replace Kenny Bergschultz as the National Track Director. Chuck has been involved in RC racing nationally and internationally for more than twenty years and brings an organized, no nonsense approach to the position. Most members will find Chuck a reasonably easy listener. Chuck will be heavily involved with the regional directors and the sanctioning program. All level 3-5 sanctions will need to be forwarded to him for approval. Kenny will be working closely with Chuck in the next few months to make the transition a lot easier. Thanks Kenny. Thanks for stepping forward, Chuck! Election Results: 258 votes out of 4550 members (5.7) % of membership) (not all ballots voted for President)
President Votes
Mike Queller 115
Eddie Goodridge 59
Carl Giordano 58
Write Ins 1
Region 2
Carl Giordano 7
Write Ins 1
Region 4
Gene Hickerson 42
Gary Tuttle 26
Jeff Flassig 9
Write ins 0
Region 6
Eddie Hill 2
Write ins 0
Region 8
Phil Beardshear 1
Write ins 0
Region 10
Sean Sanchez 31
Write ins 2
Region 12
Rich Taylor 33
Steve Dunn 7
Nick Martinez 1
Write ins 12
11/12/06 LiPo battery decision clarified. For 2007 Lithium Polymer batteries are not permitted to compete with NiCad or NiMh batteries in electric class racing because the voltages are not equivalent nor do the pack dimensions match those currently observed by ROAR and IFMAR. This rule does not currently affect receiver packs at this time, however ROAR is concerned with the overall safety of these cells when located near or around flammable/combustible materials. ROAR will investigate this further. 11/01/06 Competition Director Named ROAR is happy to announce the appointment of Billy Bowerman to the position of Competition Director. Billy brings a wealth of knowledge, enthusiasm, and ability to the ExCom. He is the owner of SpeedWorld Raceway in northern California and has organized and executed many large events. He has background is both electric and fuel classes and a desire to improve the racing in all categories. As Competition Director Billy will be the focal point for nationals bidding and information for the nationals race hosts. ROAR looks forward to working with Billy in his new role! 9/21/06 Chris Tosolini TQ's 1/10 Fuel TC Worlds! ROAR members continue to do well in IFMAR competition as current ROAR Nationals Champ, CHRIS TOSOLINI, raced his way to the Top Qualifier position at the IFMAR World Championships in Australia! Chris led a strong contingent into the Championship Final including fellow ROAR team members, Josh Cyrul and Mike Swauger. After leading most of the one hour race Chris's hopes for the title were halted when the radio antenna tube was damaged during the last pit stop causing him to eventually retire with less than three minutes remaining. With that he had to settle for the 4th place position. Josh Cyrul and Mike Swauger advanced to the Final from the Semi finals. Although very competitive they finished 9th and 10th respectively with early problems. This was the first controlled-fuel event staged by IFMAR. Since all entrants were running the same fuel overall performance depended on car setups and driving ability. ROAR's compliments to IFMAR in striving towards fairer competition for all WC events. Again, congratulations Chris, Josh, and Mike and thanks for representing ROAR and the USA so well! 9/5/06 ROAR SWEEPS THE WORLDS! ROAR SWEEPS THE WORLDS! Congratulations to MARK PAVIDIS, the new 2006 IFMAR Off Road I/C World Champion! Mark led a strong contingent of ROAR members in the one hour final including Scott Hughes - 2nd place, Chad Bradley - 4th place, Jeremy Kortz - 7th place, Bobby Tillman - 8th place, and 2002 IFMAR Champ, Greg Degani - 9th place. ROAR is extremely proud of the results of these members. Be sure to congratulate these guys when you see them. Just making it to the final is an accomplishment of its own! Again, congratulations Mark and the rest of the ROAR team!! 9/3/06 Monster Truck Minimum Weight - 144 oz. Rule 9.4.4 which outlines the 1/8 minimum truck weight was erroneously listed as 96 ounces. For the upcoming event in Las Vegas 144 ounces will be utilized as the interim minimum weight. This was derived from weighing the majority of the commercially available vehicles. The Off Road Fuel Committee will be submitting a finalized minimum weight rule which will be addressed in the 2007 rules. 9/1/06 2008 IFMAR Worlds - The Farm2 ROAR is happy to announce that the site for the 2008 IFMAR event has been selected. The FARM2, the excellent off road facility located in Charlotte, North Carolina, has been chosen to host the 2008 IMFAR Off Road World Championship event. The FARM2 was the site of this year's ROAR 1/8 Off Road Nationals organized by the race coordinator, Lance Norick and will be a great facility for our foreign participants. Finalized dates will be forthcoming. There will also be a 2007 Pre-Worlds event scheduled for next year around the same seasonal timeframe. The Pre Worlds dates will be announced shortly. 7/27/06 Upcoming Paved Oval Nationals Info Questions raised by competitors regarding the legality of the Protoform 1223 body have been settled. Protoform has submitted a body which has the part number molded into the appropriate area. Many of the racers have unfortunately already purchased previous versions which do not have the required number addition. In the interest of fairness and since these bodies have been in use at the Nats for the past three years, the racers should not and will not be penalized. The unnumbered 1223 body will be allowed for this race only but no other ROAR National events in the future. 07/25/06 2005 Open Nats Action Settled. The issues surrounding the trophy situation of the 2005 ROAR 1/8 Fuel Nationals have been resolved. As a result, all 36 members that were affected will receive a one year extension to their memberships. New cards will be issued and the Administrator's master list will be updated. All suspensions have been lifted and the track and its proprietors can resume normal racing activities. Let's get back to racing! 07/18/06 ROAR Tech Director Named. David Lee has been asked and has accepted his new position as ROAR Tech Director, replacing Bob Ingersoll who tendered his resignation last month. ROAR wishes again to thank Bob for his years of service and hopes that when time dictates he may return again to offer his help. Thanks Bob! David has been serving ROAR for some time as the Competition Director and will continue in that capacity until a suitable replacement is named. This position mostly involves nationals bid submittals, supporting nats site locations, and rules support. Also included are reviews of competition deviations, race flyers, and racehost checklists. A CD must have the time to officiate 1-2 national events and attend two weekend meetings per year. Members wishing to contribute to ROAR as the Competition Director should submit one page resumes to 07/10/06 Monster Truck Wings Rule has been corrected with removal of the entire last sentence. The reference to the wing not extending above the roofline was published in error. This change is effective immediately and will be included in the 2007 rulebook. 6/26/06 UPCOMING 1/8 Off Road Nats Info. The large number of entries at this year's 1/8 Off Road Nationals has necessitated a change to the format for Friday's qualifying. Currently the Farm2's original deviations of 255 entries with 5 rounds of qualifying and 10 minute qualifier time limits would cause racing to extend well past 8pm and possibly even 10pm on Friday. To resolve this issue ROAR has agreed to a modification of Friday's schedule to two rounds of ten minute quals. Saturday's plan of two rounds of ten minute quals and four of the lower mains will still remain as planned. All remaining mains will be run on Sunday. Should be a great event! 6/19/06 Fuel TC Wing Rule Correction. The wing width maximum specified in rule has been listed incorrectly as 185mm in the current 2006 and the previous 2005 rule books. The specification should be 200mm as was listed correctly in the 2004 rule book. This also matches the IFMAR specification as well. 6/5/06 Body Committee Changes. Scott Cramer has been appointed to the new position of Body Committee Chairman. The Body Committee had previously been chaired by the Tech Director but separating this position was deemed necessary in order to improve submittal turnaround and to devote more attention to body dimensioning, especially involving Touring Car bodies. Matt Wojtkowiak will continue on the Body Committee, working with Scott. Manufacturers planning new submittals please be advised that the Body Approval Form will be updated shortly for Scott's address. Matt's will remain the same. Scott brings dedication to this position and will primarily establish improved body standards. Welcome Scott! 6/1/06 Tech Director Resigns. Bob Ingersoll, ROAR's Technical Director, has tendered his resignation from the office he's held since 2002. Bob has brought a wealth of technical expertise, methodical logic, and genuine racer concern to this position. He was ROAR's Designated Official at numerous National events at which he demonstrated his fairness trademark. Bob was instrumental in updating the body approval process, bringing order to the motor/battery submittal procedures, and revising the ROAR rules and National Guidelines. True to his dedication to ROAR, Bob has agreed to stay in the position until a suitable replacement is named and the proper overlap is complete. ROAR appreciates all of Bob's hard work, his insight, and his friendship. He will be missed. Thank you, Bob! 5/29/06 Race Management Team - Crystal Park Raceway The ROAR Race Management Team for the 1/10 Fuel On Road Nats, June 15-18, will consist of the following: Race Director - Jim Rice Scorekeeper - Doug Hay Announcer - James Reese Referee Tech - Greg Nelson. ROAR Official - Mike Queller 5/9/06 Rules Clarification. Effective January 1, 2007 all 1:8 Scale On Road bodies must not exceed 267mm in width when measured with calipers or a similar tool from the top down and straddled over the side dams at the rear. Bodies which do not conform in this manner will be removed from the approved list until the corrected version is submitted. No fees will be associated with this resubmittal. 5/1/06 ROAR Promotions Director Adrian Martinez has been appointed to the ExCom as the new Promotions Director. Adrian promises to bring more excitement and even greater expanded ROAR communication to the members. He replaces Dawn Sanchez who was named ROAR Vice President earlier this year. Dawn's work in this position has been invaluable and Adrian expects to add to an already improved website and enhanced ROAR image. Adrian has been in the r/c field for many years. While his involvement has been primarily electric racing he has raced some fuel classes and enjoys all aspects of r/c racing. The ExCom has no doubt that he will prove to be a real asset to the entire ROAR organization. Welcome Adrian! 4/25/06 IFMAR Electric Chairman Congratulations to Kenny Bergschulz on his election to IFMAR Electric Section Chairman giving ROAR a significant position within the IFMAR structure. While this position stresses an IFMAR viewpoint with regards to changes and issues we have no doubt Kenny will be impartial and fair in his new IFMAR position. Kenny will also continue in his present position on the ExCom as National Track Director in which he has made significant strides in the area of shoring up ROAR's regional directorships and providing a very thorough Regional Directors' Manual. Congrats Kenny! 4/18/06 IFMAR Electric Representative Ernie Provetti named IFMAR Electric Representative. With the restructuring of the Secretary's responsibilities the Electric Representative position has been made into a separate position in order to devote more time to expressing ROAR's position with the IFMAR community. Longtime r/c business owner Provetti has agreed to provide the necessary time and the strength of position required for the upcoming IFMAR electric issues. The ExCom has every confidence that Ernie's experience will enable him to express and defend ROAR's position regarding these issues as well as initiating ROAR legislation in future IFMAR electric matters. The IFMAR Electric and Fuel Representatives both support the President and keep the ExCom informed of significant IFMAR developments. Welcome Ernie! 4/1/06 Race Management Director Doug Hay has been appointed to the new position of Race Management Director. The RMD will be in charge of arranging for the particular personnel who will manage ROAR's National events. Doug has been involved in numerous ROAR Nationals and been significant in introducing useful features to these events as well. Doug has demonstrated a very thorough working knowledge of race management and scoring and ROAR is fortunate that he has stepped forward to make the ROAR Nationals an even better experience. Doug will be working closely with the ExCom and we look forward to his help. Welcome aboard Doug! JAKARTA WC UPDATE
In 2003 ROAR agreed to the Jakarta venue for the 2006 IFMAR Off Road Fuel Championships. During the selection discussions there was much concern regarding the physical safety of the racers, the media, and all accompanying individuals. It was agreed that predicting the situation of a specific area of the world three years in advance was just not practical but ROAR's position was expressed at that time and support of the choice would remain contingent upon that concern. The United States government has since posted a travel advisory concerning US citizens wishing to visit Indonesia. This advisory states that travel to this area of the world should only be made if deemed absolutely necessary. ROAR does not wish to prohibit any entrants from participating or competing in an IFMAR event. These World Championships are a fantastic experience and the Jakarta facility is very worthy of the event. World circumstances beyond our control can, however, dictate caution or concern. It is with consideration of this travel advisory that ROAR cannot encourage travel to this event but does not prohibit participation by those who wish to attend. To all of those who participate, be safe, good luck, and good racing! Mike Queller ROAR President

2006 Battery Cell Approvals The following battery cells are approved for the 2006 competition season. These cells are now included in the approved product table:
Sanyo RC-3600HV Light Red Shrink 10/01/2005
GP GP370SCHR Rainbow Shrink 10/01/2005
GP GP370SCHC Green w/Orange Band Shrink 10/01/2005
IB EP3800ESP Epic Black w/Red & White Bands Shrink 10/01/2005
IB X3800IB Yokomo Lt Blue w/Yellow X Shrink 10/01/2005
IB SC-3600 Shaded Blue Intellect 3600 Shrink 10/01/2005
IB SC-3800 Shaded Blue Intellect 3800 Shrink 10/01/2005
IB SC-3700UP White, Blue& Silver VTEC Shrink 10/01/2005
IB SC-3800UP White, Blue& Silver VTEC Shrink 10/01/2005
IP IP3800SC Red w/ White& Silver Shrink 10/01/2005

A Press Release Concerning ROAR Presidential Change can be found HERE

Dear ROAR Membership, It is with a heavy heart I must announce my resignation as your elected ROAR President effective immediately. Mike Queller, current ROAR Vice President, will be assuming the role of President, per our bylaws. I have enjoyed the last three years as the leader of our Executive Committee and I thank each person I have met for their ideas, passion and overall desire to improve our organization. See you at the track! Rick WilsonR

ROAR Events

August 15 - August 18, 2024
Chesapeake, VA
Register Online      Race Entries
August 29 - September 1, 2024
Shippensburg, PA
Register Online      Race Entries
September 19 - September 22, 2024
Dale, TX
Register Online      Race Entries

National Race Results