Approval status of Trinity D3.5 and D3.5-based OEM motors
January 17, 2013
After a great deal of consideration the ROAR Executive Committee has determined that the Trinity D3.5 motor and others based on the D3.5, do not comply with the organization?s required specifications for motors in the 17.5 stock class. The determination is based on the fact that motors being sold are built with wire that?s larger than maximum specification permitted. All of the random samples of the D3.5 based motors during the announced compliance checks tested with wire that?s larger than the maximum dimension. Rule states clearly that ?The three slotted stator must be wound with 17.5 turns of 2 strands of a maximum diameter of 20AWG or 0.813 mm per slot. A diameter of .813mm is the nominal measurement of 20AWG wire, and that it is the stated maximum wire diameter permitted. It?s on this basis that the Executive Committee made its determination.