
September 10, 2009
September 10, 2009 - Motor Manufacturers are offering Optional or Tuning Rotors for Brushless Motors. Many of these Rotors may not be Approved Products for use in ROAR Sanctioned Events. The only Rotors ROAR Approved for any BL motor, are the one(s) submitted during the original Motor Approval Process. Importers/Manufacturers may include any Option/Tuning Rotors for inspection and listing, when Motor Samples are submitted, or they can submit at a later date for inclusion. For our Affiliate Importers/Manufacturers who have developed Option/Tuning Rotors and wish to add them to Stock/Super Stock Class Motors, should contact ROAR and the Motor Lab immediately to have these items considered for approval. The Motor Lab will require 3 rotors and a list of the winds in which they are being offered. Each Rotor MUST Include the Appropriate Part Number (Tuning and Original Rotor). For our Members using Tuning Rotors be advised, ROAR Technical Inspection Team will treat Rotor Inspection as a serious part of race inspection at the nationals and all of the technical data from the original Motor/Rotor Submissions is cataloged. The Inspection Team has and will continue to deny the use of non-approved "option" rotors at ROAR Nationals because they have not been submitted for inspection.

ROAR Events

August 15 - August 18, 2024
Chesapeake, VA
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August 29 - September 1, 2024
Shippensburg, PA
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September 19 - September 22, 2024
Dale, TX
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National Race Results