August 21, 2018

Many of you will have read a statement from LiveRC concerning media coverage of ROAR events which was released during the recent completely 1/10 scale offroad Nationals. ROAR has delayed providing a response until the event was completed so that the focus could remain on the event rather than on any disagreements between ROAR and LiveRC. We’d like to begin by stating that the decision not to cover the 10th Scale Nationals was made by LiveRC and LiveRC alone. ROAR has made it clear that LiveRC was welcome at our events and welcome to provide coverage.

ROAR and LiveRC have worked together through the years using verbal agreements. During those years, LiveRC covered most; but not all, ROAR National events. The relationship has been mutually beneficial. ROAR events have provided LiveRC with no cost content for its broadcasts for which LiveRC charges advertisers and premium customers. ROAR gains from the exposure of having our events broadcast.

In discussions beginning in 2017, LiveRC (through its operating entity LiveRaceMedia) sought to change the basis of the relationship to one governed by a written contract. Among other provisions, the contract draft presented to ROAR contained a clause demanding complete exclusivity for “live streaming audio, video, scoring data, and race results over the internet, social media, television, and / or any other medium deemed appropriate by LiveRaceMedia”. In exchange for the grant of exclusivity, LiveRaceMedia made no specific commitments on quantity or quality of what they would broadcast. Only that it was their intent to provide the best possible coverage.

As written, the exclusivity clause could be used to prevent anyone from live streaming any portion of a National event. ROAR members (individual and affiliate) would not have been able to stream video from their event regardless of the purpose behind the streaming. Under the contract language, we faced the prospect of “Dad” being prevented from streaming “Little Billy’s” races among other prohibitions. Although LiveRaceMedia made verbal representations that they would be “reasonable” in applying the exclusivity, we were uncomfortable with written contract language that gave LiveRaceMedia the right to prevent ROAR members from broadcast from their ROAR event. It is generally a bad idea to sign a contract that says one thing in writing while relying on verbal comments on the side to provide a different result. In fact, LiveRaceMedia have previously asserted exclusivity at events to stop ROAR members from broadcasting video.

ROAR made a counter proposal to LiveRaceMedia that proposed a form of limited exclusivity which would have protected LiveRaceMedia from direct competition for advertising dollars. It would have prohibited anyone other than LiveRaceMedia from any advertising supported broadcasting of the event or post event sales of media from the event. But it would have allowed individuals (such as ROAR individual and affiliate members) to stream from the event for their own personal purposes. Our counter proposal also specified specific portions of events which were to be covered by LiveRaceMedia.

The response from LiveRaceMedia essentially rejected any limitations on exclusivity as well as most of the specific coverage requests preferring to leave these up to their own discretion. Seeing no immediate resolution to the impasse on the exclusivity provision, ROAR responded to LiveRaceMedia that our respective positions on exclusivity appeared to be irreconcilable. On the Tuesday before Nationals (when it was already clear that LiveRC would not be attending) ROAR received a response which proposed that LiveRaceMedia would cover events without an exclusivity provision if ROAR would cover their expenses. ROAR will be providing a response to this latest proposal, but we will continue any negotiations in private.

We also want to stress that this is not an issue of ROAR wanting to compete with LiveRC. ROAR has worked to broadcast events only where LiveRC has chosen to be absent. Of the 5 Nationals held this year, we’ve stepped into that absence on 4 occasions. On the 3 occasions prior to this past weekend, this didn’t seem to be controversial. ROAR recognizes that a professional broadcast of our events provides valuable exposure of our sport and benefits all our members. We will continue to work to find the best available solution to provide those broadcasts.

Respectfully, The Executive Committee of Remotely Operated Auto Racers

ROAR Events

August 15 - August 18, 2024
Chesapeake, VA
Register Online      Race Entries
August 29 - September 1, 2024
Shippensburg, PA
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September 19 - September 22, 2024
Dale, TX
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