The passing of John Grant/ past IFMAR President and racing friend.

February 20, 2023

TO:  The ROAR Committee and Members


This information is to advise you that John Grant, past President of IFMAR (1995-2005) passed away on February 2, 2023.  For some years, he was also President of FEMCA.


Over many years, John had a long association with ROAR as IFMAR President, dealing with several ROAR officers, including Mike Reedy, as his IFMAR Electric Section Chairman, T Rex Baldwin as his IFMAR Vice-President, Fred Hohwart, Mike Queller and ROAR President, Phil Hurd with whom he had a special friendship.


On several occasions he attended IFMAR World Championships held in various locations in the ROAR Bloc and he was always welcomed and enjoyed renewing his aquaintanceships with drivers and officials.  These events were always up to the requirements of IFMAR and well organised.     


On his retirement from IFMAR he was most appreciative of being made an Honorary Vice-President of IFMAR.


At your convenience, could you please pass on this information on to your members,


Thank you

Marian Grant

Past IFMAR Secretary/Treasurer.

ROAR Events

August 15 - August 18, 2024
Chesapeake, VA
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August 29 - September 1, 2024
Shippensburg, PA
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September 19 - September 22, 2024
Dale, TX
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