Trinity Slot Machine Spec winds removal

October 27, 2023

ROAR and Horizon Hobby have jointly agreed to remove the Trinity Slot Machine motors from ROAR’s list of approved motors.  This decision will take effect on November 10, 2023 and applies to all versions of the Slot Machine motors (i.e.,13.5T, 17.5T, 21.5T and 25.5T).

ROAR routinely purchases and re-inspects previously approved motors to ensure that the final production version does not differ from those that were originally submitted for certification.  Following one such check, ROAR recently discovered that significant changes had been made to the internal design of the Slot Machine motor after they had already been inspected and approved by ROAR’s technical staff.

Following this discovery, ROAR reached out to the manufacturer to discuss the issue.  Technicians at Horizon Hobby, the new owners of the Trinity-branded products, confirmed that the current production versions of the Slot Machine motors were different from those that had been previously inspected and approved by ROAR.  It also appears that the design changes occurred before Horizon Hobby acquired the Trinity product line in July of 2023.

The change in motor design violates three of ROAR’s rules.  First, according to Rule #, “modification of approved motors from their approved configuration and materials by manufacturers, importers or competitors is not permitted.”  ROAR and Horizon Hobby independently confirmed that current production versions of the Slot Machine motors had been modified from their approved configuration.

Second, according to Rule #, “changes, other than normal production variations, to any area of an approved motor require re-approval of the motor.”  Neither Trinity nor Horizon Hobby submitted the modified motors for re-approval after the original configuration had been altered.

Third, the design modifications made to the Slot Machine motors violates Rule # which governs and restricts the use of chamfers and chamfering in Spec Wind Motors.

ROAR greatly regrets needing to remove the Slot Machine motors from the Approved list as it will undoubtedly inconvenience many racers.  Nevertheless, we have an obligation to rigorously enforce the ROAR rules to ensure fair competition for all.  ROAR sincerely appreciates the highly cooperative manner in which Horizon/Trinity has responded to our concerns.  We have no doubt that they will be able to remedy the problem very quickly.  ROAR will continue to keep the R/C racing community informed as new developments arise on this issue.

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