Epic LiveRC agreement

March 15, 2024

ROAR is excited to announce it has reached a game changing agreement with LiveRC on National Event coverage for 2024 and 2025 season. In the agreement LiveRC will no longer seek sponsors for media coverage at national events, allowing tracks to sell sponsorship that includes media coverage. LiveRC will also provide a broadcast announcer who will announce sponsors the tracks have gotten for the event as well as their logos during the broadcast. These things with continued improvements seen last year make ROAR exhilarated to see what future media holds. Going forward media agreements will be renegotiated the beginning of the year prior, hence this deal going through 2025. 

ROAR Events

August 15 - August 18, 2024
Chesapeake, VA
Register Online      Race Entries
August 29 - September 1, 2024
Shippensburg, PA
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September 19 - September 22, 2024
Dale, TX
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National Race Results